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These instructions will show you how to get started editing your website. If you are just beginning with Webflow, I recommend you to take Webflow 101 Crash Course first so you understand the basics of using the software.

Updating the index margin

Depending on how many projects you upload to the Project CMS, the margin of the index may need adjusting so that the elements format correctly on the page. To do this, select the Homepage Content div and adjust the VW spacing in the Style Panel for each breakpoint.

Revert to standard cursor

1. Select the Main Cursor Wrapper and make it display: none. Then select the Body, scroll to Cursor in the style panel, and select Auto in the dropdown.

2. In the style guide, select the Text Link, then the All Links HTML tag in the style selector. Repeat the same step by scrolling to cursor in the style panel, then select Pointer in the dropdown.
screenshot displaying the text link in the style guidescreenshot displaying the All Links HTML tag in the Style Selector